We are our own Super Hero’s
I always loved the superhero’s and really believed we all had a superhero and still do.
My new affirmation is asking “what is my gift!” – “what is my purpose!”
Each week I feel more and more like a scientist. Someone who is the observer of herself. I’m journaling and observing the words I am using to describe my emotions. It’s made me feel oh so much more powerful. I’m like a scientist using the 7 laws of the mind to discover her powers and see them manifest into creation in the outside world.
There is so much success that surrounds me that my challenges are dwarfed in comparison. I look back in life and although at the time I had not realised just how magnificent an experience I was creating by becoming increasingly more creative and getting over the hurdles life was challenging me.
Every day, I am grateful for the MKE, I am now ready for greater things, and the universe has connected me with this hugely directional program. The Universe has my back, and I must soon discover how to unleash that incredible power so that any action I take to move towards it will feel effortless and natural because my burning desire is so intense that even I can not stand in my way.
I came to the end of what I thought was my life at age 41, but then I realised I had a new journey to embark on with a more significant purpose and a mightier challenge. My Ant (conscious mind) knows the actions and the direction I wish to go and its time for my Elephant (Subconscious mind) to trust and believe therefore move in the direction it knows is its calling.
‘The ant and the elephant’ by Vince Poscente gave me the understanding of how to listen to my elephant, understand her needs and meet those needs so that I may build trust and belief for her to start coming round to moving in the direction of my Ant. So I have a movie night at the cinema once a week and then have pampering sessions booked along with other things that excite her and get her all tingly with the elephant buzz. It means I’m listening and building trust and belief in myself.
As Haanel says “many men and women have found to their sorrow that it is easier to control a kingdom than to control themselves. But when you have learned to control yourself you will have found the ‘World Within’ which controls the world without; you will have become irresistible; men and things will repond to your every wish without any apparent effort on your apart”