Since last year I heard there was a film called ‘Pay It Forward’ – I had a desire to watch it, and that desire came to head today. Shall I go to the cinema and watch the latest release of Jumanji or shall I stay at home and watch ‘Pay It Forward’on my daughter’s laptop. I chose the latter and boy am I grateful I did.
Since leaving home at 18 to have my son, I learned to master living on very little. Hey, I made £5 British Pounds last a whole week to pay for the electricity that I needed for my son and I. Learning to wash clothes by hand, so I didn’t have to use the power on the washing machine and boil the water in a pan and not use the electric kettle. I even brushed the floor with a dustpan and brush, so I didn’t have to use the vacuum cleaner. Thank god I was young then, not sure if my stamina would last out now. I share this story with you because I learned that we don’t need a lot to live HAPPY.
I am here with the Master Key Experience, a personal development program that brought all that I had learned and felt in life together.
I am a successful single mother who doesn’t want to sit at home and paint her nails just because I can now use the vacuum, I can use the washing machine, and I can use the kettle and so much more whenever I want. I have been asking myself a question all my life. Can I articulate it here? – NO! I’m not sure I can even find the words, BUT this movie did it for me! – ‘THINK OF AN IDEA TO CHANGE OUR WORLD – AND PUT IT INTO ACTION’ – Imagine it is POSSIBLE.
Netclix is now called THE LINKS HUB. We are about transformation; we are a national movement of hubs that bring together the UK’s most inspiring, creative entrepreneurs who share their experience for those hungry for success. We empower young creative entrepreneurs to find their purpose and direction. The Links Hub recognises that in the UK today, thousands of young creative people are leaving education and they want to follow their passion and make a living from it. However, they lack the essential skills around leadership, emotional intelligence and authenticity. They are looking for the tools and supportive relationships to make their dreams happen.
Every day I see the Yellow Square from my DMP (Definite Major Life Purpose), and my PPN’s (Personal Pivotal Needs) jump out at me, and it is absorbing. It represents a goal, a goal to go into the institutions of education all over the world and show young people HOW to THINK and NOT WHAT to THINK. For three years this seed of an idea has been lodged in my heart since I learned how to help my children to trust themselves and to become; SELF DIRECTED THINKERS. The Universe found the answer for me is not just the Master Key Experience Course but today showed me just how to set forth with it through watching this film.
“I can be what I will to be”! – I am the giver of Liberty and Legacy (My PPN’s), the one who can show others how they too can live in abundance by understanding their world and helping other people with their example, and release emotions that keep us chained to our pasts.