week 11- money challenge – Is this a kind of…


This Money Game sure is impressive. I am bringing in the same amount of money and yet I am living a more abundant life.

How is that?

At the end of my 90-day challenge set by attending the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker, my income is the same, and yet I am amazed I have so much more money to put into my FFA and my PLAY account. All my bills I have paid, and as a freelance teacher, I get offered a long-term contract where my pay increased. I seem to have more money flowing in abundance towards me and around me. It comes to me when it’s needed and from unexpected sources.

Some opportunities have come my way, where I have dined with the Master of Trinity College in Cambridge, Sir George Winters. I’m invited as a VIP guest along with others such as the representatives of the Hong Kong Government as well as other British Representatives, all interested in Entrepreneurship and growing a business culture in line with the 21st Century. That was just so exciting and being invited to be seated alongside Sir George Winters was just the cherry on the cake.

Then to tick off something from my bucket list that cost me nothing was fulfilling because I was serving the needs of others, my desires are fulfilled automatically.

Play Money

The Play money has been the most interesting because in the past when I had attempted this challenge, I found that I struggled to put money into my play jar and if I did, I would see myself in the position where I still use this money to cover other costs. What was this highlighting for me, I thought. I was recognizing that my play jar was a reflection of how I saw myself and my personal desires/needs/wants.

For the last two months, I have truly enjoyed spending this money on myself which accumulated to almost £90 pounds this month.  I asked myself while walking down the streets of London with my new purchases, “if I had all the money and time in the world, what would I be doing right now?” – I realized that I actually wouldn’t change anything because it is the journey that I am on that is my right destination and not the destination.

My destination is Liberty, and at that moment I am experiencing ‘Liberty.’ I felt truly exhilarated and happy to be in that moment of realization. I loved spending the money on myself, and it made me truly excited because I had some new things to play with, explore and enjoy. What’s more, I enjoyed this experience with my daughter. I felt that I loved myself more and liked myself more. That to me at this stage in life is the key. If I become more; then I can help others to grow more.

This journey of the 90-day money challenge has helped me to appreciate where others are even more but without the eyes of judgment that I may have picked up from my upbringing. In moving forward, I have continued the program and have seen how each day the money that is going into my FFA and PLAY jars is increasing.

At the time of this writing, I have also been putting away £1 extra into my other accounts as an experiment to see how this revised mindset is showing up in my finances, my outer world.

What cash have I deposited in my FFA (Financial Freedom) Account in the week eleven and my Play Account?
Day 84 -£0.50
Day 85 – £4.50
Day 86 – £0.19
Day 87 – £0.18
Day 88 – £0.18
Day 89 – £0.03
Day 90 – £2.13

Week 11 – Total Deposited £7.71

Play Account
Day 84 -£0.50
Day 85 – £4.50
Day 86 – £0.18
Day 87 – £0.18
Day 88 – £0.18
Day 89 – £0.03
Day 90 – £2.13

Week 11 – Total Deposited £7.70


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