Week 21 – “Don’t do what daddy says….

….because daddy has one interest in mind for you and that’s your SECURITY, and if you bargain away your life for security now, you will never find your bliss” – Joseph Campbell



This week has been about ‘FEAR, GUILT, ANGER, HURT FEELINGS, UNWORTHINESS‘ – behaviors learned in childhood and carried into adulthood. These behaviors have found themselves within the building blocks of what I have created in life, have they served me or are they still holding me back from the woman I am?

I ask myself, when will I step into the women I am? I am no longer a little girl, looking for approval from her parents and her siblings, I am my person. What have I been pretending not to know? What would the person I intend to become do next?

What made me happy, made my parents unhappy. How many of us have experienced that while we have been growing up and I bet our parents felt the same when they were growing up too. Are we repeating a pattern here that continues as each generation grows into adulthood?

In the film ‘Looking for Joe’ Joseph Campbell talks about following your BLISS. And it’s when we follow our BLISS, which the universe opens doors where there were only walls.

Throughout this week, these emotions have consistently come forward, they plague my mind with doubt and hesitation, making connections to experiences in the past that have no relevance to where I am going. These are the dragons, the obstacles to bypass and see through for what they are, just illusions to keep me where I am today.

“Opportunities to find deeper powers within ourselves come when life seems most challenging” – Joseph Campbell

The dragon/beast that you face has scales, and on every scale, it says either though shalt or though shalt not. This beast is the construction of all the rules and regulations, social obligations, cultural creations that have made you feel FEAR that I either have to or can’t do certain things.

Fear is anything that gets in you – It’s a monster, the beast, the dragon to sly. Fear is we are being rejected; nobody is going to like what we made or what we did or what we said. Fear that is unfaced tends to creep; it moves through our experiences. It starts to toxify our perceptions; we become scared. We know FEAR is an inherent part of the human experience and it’s not going anywhere, it’s got nowhere to go. So what do we do?

The issue is to have the COURAGE to move forward in spite of the FEAR we feel. Gregg Braden, a spiritualist, talks about how we as a people are living in a time where our old beliefs where glued into place with our emotions, and as this is disappearing we can change our feelings and thus re-create our realities. What a simple concept and very empowering.


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