Had you ever heard of the LAW OF SEVERENS?
I hadn’t until I started reading Part 16 of the Master Key Experience by Charles Haanel.
One of the fascinating parts has been the Law of Severns. It governs the days of the week, the phases of the moon, the harmonies of sound, light, heat, electricity, magnetism, atomic structure. How incredible is that! Reading further I find it is this law that governs humans, and even nations; and that it dominates the activities of the commercial world. My desire to want to know more burned even greater.
Looking at the life of individuals, I mapped out the ages and what life is experiencing during these periods.
- We have the first seven years: 0-7 and this is the period of infancy.
- From 7-14 is the period of childhood and representing the beginning of individual responsibility.
- Next seven years from 14-21 represent the period of adolescence and is known as the third period.
- The fourth period marks the attainment of full growth and is from 21-28.
- In the fifth period from 28-34 is the constructive period when individuals begin to acquire property, possessions, home, and family.
- The sixth period from 35-42 is a period of reactions and changes.
- The seventh period of reconstruction (43 – 49) also known as the Millennium; and a period of adjustment and recuperation, so we are to be ready for a new cycle of sevens beginning with the fiftieth year.
“Part 25 – MKE Line 55. Life is growth and growth is change. Each seven-year period takes us into a new cycle.
Line 56. The first seven years is the period of infancy. The next seven is the period of childhood, representing the beginning of individual responsibility. The next seven represents the period of adolescence. The fourth period marks the attainment of full growth. The fifth period is that constructive period, when men acquire property, possessions, a home and family. The next, from thirty-five to forty-two, is a period of reactions and changes, and this in turn is followed by a period of reconstruction, adjustment and recuperation, so as to be ready for a new cycle of sevens beginning with the fiftieth year.
Line 57. The law of periodicity governs cycles of every description. There are cycles ofshort periods, and cycles of long periods. There are periods when the emotions gainthe ascendancy and the whole world is absorbed in religious thought, and there areother periods when the science and learning take the ascendancy and the patentoffice is flooded with new inventions. There are other periods when vice and crime rule with a high hand, periods of strikes and hard times, times of turmoil, confusion, and disaster, and there are periods of reform.”
I am now at the tail end of my seventh period as I embrace my 46th birthday. I can say it feels like life has gone through the washing machine and I am recuperating and have gained that clarity I was seeking for where I will be shooting my arrows for this year and the years to come. Learning and embedding this knowledge has allowed for courage and optimism to surround me because I understand everything is part of a higher intention and we are all in this together. It becomes beautiful and gratifying to have realized where I am in this cycle of my life experience on earth.